My name is Brittany Powl. My husband got me my first silver lab Penny when we were just dating in 2017. Penny was always easy to train so I worked with her and she became the best dog I've ever owned. She has never needed a leash-even at the vet with other dogs she sticks right by me. Penny has produced professional hunting dogs, service dogs, and the Make-A-Wish foundation has secured her as the mother of any puppies children in our area wish receive when the wish for a silver lab. Her puppies provide pressure therapy for children who have medical episodes that require a dog to lay on them until the episode passes. Penny is my babysitter for my 7 month old daughter, she is our family member, and she is my world. Penny will not rest in her bed until she checks that every family member is home in bed. She's absolutely wonderful and gentle with my young children. Penny is not just an outside dog who is sole purpose is to breed puppies, she is inside with us, she sleeps in my bed; and I wouldn't have it any other way. She is an angel.